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With our diverse team and varied skillsets, NorthWinds Environmental Services is able to offer a full suite of environmental services related to mining, aggregate development, and associated areas. From baseline studies, planning and initial permitting applications, to mine closure and remediation plans, we are capable of successfully guiding you through the entire process.


Our Services

Discover Our Expertise


Environmental Assessment

  • Wildlife and wildlife habitat assessment

  • Vegetation assessments and  management

  • Wetland assessments as per the Ontario Wetland Evaluation System, via certified Evaluators

  • Fisheries Assessments

  • Environmental baseline studies (design, implementation) including vegetation, wetlands, fish, wildlife and Species at Risk

  • Environmental Assessment (EA)

  • Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA)

  • Road construction (routing) and water crossings

  • Environmental Effects Monitoring (EEM) for existing mines

  • Site rehabilitation and remediation

  • Indigenous, stakeholder, and government communication/consultation


Planning and Permitting

  • Natural Environment reporting in support of aggregate permits/licences

  • Species at Risk Permitting (federal and provincial)

  • Overall Benefit Permitting for provincial Species at Risk, namely Woodland Caribou

  • Species at Risk Mitigation Plan development


Species at Risk

  • Species at Risk surveys (e.g. Caribou, Eastern Whip-poor Will, Bats, Turtles, Songbirds) and permitting

  • Impact assessment, avoidance, and mitigation strategies

  • Project support for requirements under Ontario’s Endangered Species Act (ESA) including SAR Mitigation Plans, Monitoring, Overall Benefit (OB) permits, Information Gathering Forms (IGF), etc

Current Projects

Continue scrolling to learn more about a few of our current projects.

Treasury Metals Inc.

Goliath Gold Project

Treasury Metals Inc. (TMI) is a Canadian gold exploration and development company focused on its 100% owned high-grade Goliath Gold Project (the Project), situated in the Kenora/Dryden Mining District of northwestern Ontario. Between 2011 and 2019, NorthWinds employees have supported Treasury Metals’ provincial and federal environmental assessment for the Project, including: baseline data collection, terrestrial environment assessment (vegetation, wetlands, wildlife, Species At Risk), permitting, working in sensitive areas, and liaising with government reviewers and First Nations communities. As of August 2019, the Goliath Gold Project has received approval to proceed, and NorthWinds maintains a strong relationship with Treasury Metals.

First_MIning_Springpole_Acoustic Setup_2

Green Technology Metals

Seymour Lake Project

The Green Technology Metals: Seymour Lake Project is located within the boreal shield terrestrial ecozone of northwestern Ontario, about 250km north of Thunder Bay. This area contains high quality Spodumene deposits, for the mining of lithium that is used in batteries. To support drilling activities and project permitting, the team from NorthWinds is gathering baseline data through various surveys, including fisheries, wetland, migratory bird, and species at risk.

Clean Air Metals

Thunder Bay North Project

Clean Air Metals Inc. has recently initiated environmental baseline field studies for the future Thunder Bay North Project, located about 50km northeast of Thunder Bay. The Thunder Bay North Project covers an aggregate area of about 30 000 ha, and has an impressive deposit of platinum group elements, nickel, and copper intercepts. Partnered with Englobe, NorthWinds is completing baseline terrestrial (vegetation, wetlands and wildlife) and fisheries field surveys to support a future environmental impact assessment and subsequent permitting for the project.


Villeneuve Construction Aggregates Reporting

Villeneuve Construction Company Ltd.

Villeneuve Construction Co. Ltd. operates concrete and asphalt production facilities, aggregate resources, and construction services across Northern Ontario. To support the development of new aggregate mining opportunities for Villeneuve, NorthWinds is completing the required Natural Environment reporting to obtain the appropriate permits and licensing.

Our Valued Partners

Collaborative Efforts


Green Technology Metals


Treasury Metals


Clean Air Metals


Villeneuve Construction Company Ltd.


231 Red River Rd., Unit 112, Thunder Bay, ON P7B 1A7

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©2019 by NorthWinds Environmental Services. Photo credit: James Barber (

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